Public Schools in Black and White:
National Public Radio debate
on integration and segregation
Many school districts all over America still labor under judicial oversight to achieve integration, and groups of parents are struggling in isolation to regain control of their neighborhood schools. There are debates and lawsuits in progress.

We are pleased that National Public Radio has hosted a debate on school segregation and integration, between law professors Lino A. Graglia and john a. powell. If you are involved in school integration, school busing, or are concerned about public education and the Constitutional principles involved, this debate is well worth listening to.

The nicely moderated debate covers some of the questions about the quality of public education under the class-action and judicial pressure to integrate by means of forced busing:

  • What are the real wishes of the parents whose children are affected?
  • Has busing for desegregation helped with integration?
  • Has busing for desegregation helped children's education?
  • What are the longer-term effects of busing on the schools and on the children who are receiving their education?
  • What is the law, and how is the law being applied?

Professor Graglia discusses some of the legal and social issues involved.

The debate is an hour long. To listen to it from the Justice Talking website, click on their Listen link. This requires RealPlayer, already on most computers; a free version may be downloaded via the link provided at Justice Talking.

Public Schools in Black and White
(opens in new window)

Date of debate: August 28, 2001

Please take a moment to look at Justice Talking's webpage on the Public Schools in Black and White NPR debate — even if you don't have time now to listen to all of it. Justice Talking will note how many visitors they have to their webpage. Your visit will help inform NPR that school integration by means of busing continues to be an important issue affecting many American families. Such interest will encourage NPR to schedule and broadcast more debates on related topics.

Referenced Rights Cases by Title
Referenced Rights Cases by Date
Referenced U.S. Supreme Court Justices
Liberate Public Schools: Summary
Busing — Opposed: Summary

Enstrom Foundation
History & analysis of the 30-year Carlin affirmative action lawsuit.
Busing —Not Integration— Opposed: Contents
Liberate Public Schools from Government by Lawsuit: Contents
Parental Handbook: Contents
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